Happy Holidays from our Family to Yours


It is with a heavy heart when we think of the families in Newtown, CT.  We hope their spirits are lifted every time they hear of a random act of kindness being performed in honor of their loved ones.  26 people we have never met have instilled in us a renewed sense of what this season is truly about.  What a gift they have given us.  It is an honor to spread a little kindness in return.

If you are looking for some ideas of random acts of kindness – the Today show put together a list of ideas.  Sometimes though, the most powerful act of kindness doesn’t even cost a penny – it can be a smile and a kind word to someone who feeling down, it can be shoveling out your neighbor’s driveway, or it can be inviting someone without family to your holiday dinner.


“To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

We wish you love and happiness this holiday season, and a new year filled with peace and prosperity.
